Getting informed is key to avoiding pitfalls when it comes to raising a new puppy. If you’re thinking about adding a furry friend to your life, read up on common mistakes new dog owners often make and learn how you can avoid them.

Not Doing Enough Research

Deciding on adding a new dog to your family is truly the first step on the road to becoming a new owner. But the next step isn’t just picking out a pup and going on your merry way. Adding a new furry friend to your family is a big deal, and so the next step is critical: researching.

Doing proper research allows you to learn more and figure out the right dog for your family. You should get the scoop on size, diet, life span, body language, and potential illnesses when doing your research. Also, when researching, don’t forget to consider if the dog breed will fit with all your family members and fit with your current lifestyle.

Think the research portion is over? Not so fast. If you have a certain breed in mind, like a bernedoodle, putting in the research to find a reputable breeder you trust is crucial. Read, research, and reach out to breeders to find the right one.

Not Budgeting Accordingly

Many new dog owners underestimate the expenses of owning a dog. But the costs can add up quickly! Food, training, vet visits, medications, treats, and toys can take a toll if owners don’t plan for them in advance. Don’t let cute floppy ears and big eyes distract you just yet – before getting a puppy, make sure you consider all the costs associated with having one so you can plan and budget accordingly.

Skipping Dog Training

Many owners think they can train their puppy themselves instead of hiring a professional dog trainer. And while it’s possible to train your puppy yourself, hiring a professional can save you time and frustration. Training isn’t always a walk in the park, but having professional guidance can help you and your puppy learn quickly and more easily. Taking classes is also a great way for you and your pup to bond.

Ignoring the Importance of Socialization

We can’t stress this enough – not allowing your dog to socialize can be detrimental to its development.

Socialization is what helps your puppy become acclimated to everything in our human world so that when they go to dog parks, doggy daycare, on walks around the neighborhood, and busy social spaces, they’ll do it without becoming aggressive or acting out. It is essential to socialize your pup to ensure they grow into a well-adjusted dog. Read our blog article on the subject and learn some tips on socializing your puppy.

Improper Feeding

Sometimes, owners fail to educate themselves on the diet their dog needs to develop properly. Feeding your dog the wrong food, feeding too often, or feeding too little can lead to obesity, diarrhea, pancreatitis, or other painful conditions that can be detrimental to your dog’s health.

If you’re unsure what or how often to feed your new four-legged friend, your dog’s breeder is your best resource and will be able to answer all your questions. Another great avenue for advice and help is your vet, so don’t be afraid to ask them, either.

Overlooking Grooming

Dog groomers are important people you’ll be introducing your new dog to at some point, but don’t make the mistake of overlooking grooming matters yourself. Your dog, especially if you’re getting a bernedoodle, will need to be brushed regularly by you. If you don’t, their fur can get tangled and matted, and that can become painful for your furry friend. With regular brushing, you’ll not only keep their coat in healthy, shiny condition, but it will also help build the bond between you two.

Underestimating Attention Needs

Active, growing puppies need a lot of attention and care. Some people underestimate how much playtime, walks, cuddle sessions, and training time they need. Puppies are full-time and shouldn’t be left alone all day. After all, being alone is often a completely new experience for them. It’s a skill you’ll need to teach them slowly. Make sure you and your family are ready to give them a lot of attention. If your home will be empty most of the day due to work and school obligations, consider breaking up your work day to spend time with them, hire a dog walker, or send your pup to doggy daycare.

Ready to Add a New Member to the Family?

With proper research and preparation, you’ll be ready for the serious responsibility of dog ownership. Ready to add a new addition to your family? Alpine Bernedoodles is here to help you.

We are located in the beautiful town of Montrose, Colorado, and it is our passion to produce exceptional quality bernedoodles. Our bernedoodles are bred with responsibility and integrity to be cherished family companions. Every puppy is raised with attention to physical and mental health and nurtured with love and care. Thank you for your interest in our puppies!